Better accuracy can be achieved by using quality grids, which can be produced by local h-refinement and r-refinement using the right error estimate

It’s possible for me to make a bad movie out of a good script, but I can’t make a good movie from a bad script. George Clooney

George Clooney’s quote for moview can be altered for numerical simulations:

It is possible to produce inaccurate results out of a good grid, but it is almost impossible to produce accurate results out of a bad grid. > …

One of the biggest challenge in mesh-based simulation tools remains to be the need of robust and efficient tools for generating and maintaining quality grids around complex geometries for transient multi-scale problems. Adaptive solution techniques allow us to overcome these challenges. These adaptive strategies include

  1. h-adaptation: local mesh refinement through cell splitting/merging
  2. r-adaptation: relocating cell vertices
Tags: overview