girdap was founded with a will to have building blocks enabling multiphase flow simulations, with moving/deforming interfaces separating strongly coupled multiple-fluid flows. Even though, girdap’s fundamental goal is to enable research mainly on level-set and immersed boundary methods, its scope grew to include multi-physics problems as its tools are built to allow multiple volume/surface domains/grids, each of which can have any number of field variables/vectors, governed by independent set of equations with independent set of boundary conditions.
girdap is not yet ready for users who would like to use its features to develop their own algorithm.
girdap project is now looking for numerical scientists who would like to join the development team for adding these desired features. Following is the present primary focus areas:
- Refinement criterion: Error estimate for time dependent pde’s
- Geometric multigrid; domain decomposition; parallel computing
- Intergrid operations; flux-conserving interpolation schemes
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In the near future, girdap targets two different contributors:
Typical end-user: girdap objects and methods can be used to devise new algorithm or variations of existing numerical algorithms in fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, fluid-solid interaction, particle based methods etc. Please check current set of features; as well as the next release’s target features if you plan to use girdap. The advantage of **girdap is related to its automated anisotropic grid refinement in quad-based meshes. We would be glad if you would like to contribute to “use of girdap” as a researcher or an educator.
Typical contributor/developer: girdap project welcomes any volunteers to join the development team, for adding new features.