The following pages and posts are tagged with

Geometry - Geo1 Page 1D basic geometric definitions
Grid - Introduction Page Introducing surface and volume grids
Grid - Block1 Page 1D grid blocks
Heat equation Page Heat equation in the following form is to be solved on a unit domain: $$\vec{\nabla} \cdot (k \vec{\nabla} T) + \dot q_{o} = 0$$ exposed to following boundary conditions: Top wall: Bottom wall: Right wall: T(x=1,...
Communication between grids Page This example generates a volume and a surface grid. Those two are connected through each other by updateOtherVertex(..) method. The velocity assigned to volume grid is passed to the surface grid nodes, which are formed after h-refinement. Also an indicator function is generated using the location of the surface....
Field Variables Page Variables are 1D arrays; which maintain an order same as the cells/vertices/faces indices in a grid. In addition to values, variables also contain boundary condition information. This example creates a 5x5 block using quads in a unit 2D domain. A new variable is defined and named as f; where...