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Tutorials Page Following examples will help you start using girdap. Examples below should be considered as the driving code that use girdap library. You can create your own main.cpp or modify one of main_xxx.cpp files which can be found in the girdap_rootdir/src directory. Any code using girdap should include...
Tutorial - Grids Page Your first grid This example creates a grid handle and manually adds vertices and cells. h-refinement can be applied through adapt flag on the first cell. The output is written in VTK format to be visualized in additional software, i.e. Paraview. <td class="gutter gl"...
Heat equation Page Heat equation in the following form is to be solved on a unit domain: $$\vec{\nabla} \cdot (k \vec{\nabla} T) + \dot q_{o} = 0$$ exposed to following boundary conditions: Top wall: Bottom wall: Right wall: T(x=1,...
Communication between grids Page This example generates a volume and a surface grid. Those two are connected through each other by updateOtherVertex(..) method. The velocity assigned to volume grid is passed to the surface grid nodes, which are formed after h-refinement. Also an indicator function is generated using the location of the surface....
Field Variables Page Variables are 1D arrays; which maintain an order same as the cells/vertices/faces indices in a grid. In addition to values, variables also contain boundary condition information. This example creates a 5x5 block using quads in a unit 2D domain. A new variable is defined and named as f; where...
Multiple grids (volume & surface) Page This example creates two grids; one formed by quads, named as volgrid; and the other formed by line strings, named as surf. volgrid is formed by a an automated block generation utility in 2D, called Block2, while surf is generated by manually adding vertices and...